Saturday, February 16, 2008

Gay Scout Practicalities

With reference to today's WSJ article about Philadelphia's problems with the Boy Scouts, it seems that those who want to force the Scouts to accept openly homosexual scouts and scout leaders have never led a Scout overnight camping trip. Scouts typically sleep two to a tent, but in the case of Venture Patrols which include both teenage boys and girls, opposite sexes are not allowed to share tents, for reasons which most scout leaders and parents consider obvious. If openly gay scouts were to go on overnight outings, there would be several options: 1) have the gay scout share a tent with a straight scout, in which case all the boys would try to avoid sleeping with the gay scout, or 2) have the gay scout tent with a girl, in which case all the boys would claim to be gay, or 3) have the gay scout be alone in a tent, in which case the gay activists would charge discrimination, or 4) have two gay scouts share a tent, which would rarely be possible and would be inconsistent with policy toward heterosexuals. I haven't heard any discussion of these practicalities which leads me to believe that those with the greatest anti-boyscout hysteria on this issue, have the least experience.

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